Solution – Consignment Management

Reduce the risk of accidents

Geolocated access on the move

Facilitate communication between teams

Consignment Procedure

Secure your operations, simplify your procedures and move into the era of digital logging with VISION!

In industry, the safety of equipment interventions is a top priority. Lockout procedures play a key role in preventing accidents and ensuring that machines are powered down before any maintenance operation. However, these procedures are often cumbersome, subject to human error and difficult to trace.

VISION , the new nocode solution developed by Visionsoft, is revolutionizing this management by combining performance, simplicity and compliance.

Fiabilité et conformité : Assurez une application stricte des protocoles de consignation et réduisez les risques d’accidents.

Traçabilité totale : Suivez en temps réel les statuts de consignation et conservez un historique complet des interventions.

Collaboration optimisée : Facilitez la communication entre les équipes de maintenance, sécurité et exploitation grâce à un accès centralisé et en temps réel aux informations, et des accès en mobilité

Automatisation intelligente : Bénéficiez de rappels, validations et workflows intelligents pour garantir le respect des procédures.

Adaptabilité : Configurez l’application selon vos besoins spécifiques et intégrez-la à vos autres systèmes industriels.

Extensibilité en no-code

témoignage de marc

Customer case: Digitizing consignment management for greater security and efficiency

Jean noticed that his teams don’t always follow the consignment procedures to the letter. 
He initially thought it was due to their experience, but he realized that the real problem came from the complexity and lack of accessibility of the instructions. Paper procedures are long to fill out, validations take time and, in an emergency, finding the necessary information is often laborious. To solve this problem, 
Jean adopted VISION Consignation, a solution that centralizes and digitalizes the entire consignment process. 
With VISION, he can: 
✅ Standardize and structure procedures to avoid errors and oversights. 
✅ Access current consignments in real time and check their status from his smartphone. 
✅ Obtain rapid validations with electronic signatures and automated notifications. 
✅ Trace the history of interventions with a time-stamped and secure recording. 
✅ Integrate VISION Consignation into its CMMS for smooth monitoring of interventions and equipment. 
From now on, its teams gain in efficiency, responsiveness and security. All consignments are traced, compliant and instantly accessible, guaranteeing better protection of workers and a reduction in industrial risks. 
Thus, Jean has a real Digitalized Consignment Management System (SGCD) for his factory.

Jean, method manager – Industry

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