Connect your applications,
publish your APIs
with VISION Data Integration

Configure and administer your data flow architecture and connect your business tools to ensure reliable data and distribution to users.


multi applications


VISION Data Integration is designed to support you on as many projects as you like.


Your applications live and evolve. Support their lifecycle without interrupting operations.


Manage the governance of multi-stakeholder application projects.

sécurité maximale

Maximum safety

Center controls the backup and restoration of your applications.

Extract data

Capture the essential data you want to manipulate

Connect to data source APIs (CMMS, BIM Data, Building Management System, Energy Management System, IoT, etc.)

Import CSV from third-party solutions

Query a SQL, Oracle, MySQL database...

connecteur d'API nocode

Structuring data

Organize your conceptual data models, field types and access rights

Organization and configuration of data tables

Identifying relationships between tables and fields

Transforming data

Develop your own transformation algorithms

Transmutation, filtering and sorting of data

Configurable calculation tasks

04. Load/Expose your data

Disseminate data to consumers or IS

Automatic exposure and documentation in OpenAPI format of queries (for BI, AI,...)

Write to third-party solutions via POST or scheduled imports (ERP, CMMS)

Editing .pdf reports from .xlsx, .docx templates

Vision Center availability : September 1, 2023
Vision Center availability : September 1, 2023
Available from : September 1, 2023
Available from : September 1, 2023

Would you like to test the power of VISION for 30 days?

Avec Vision, j’ai découvert qu’on pouvait rendre simples et concrètes des idées complexes et dynamiser toute notre informatique.
Marie, cheffe d’entreprise dans une PME innovante
J’ai pu livrer une application stratégique 3 mois en avance, dépassant même nos espérances, ce qui a valu des félicitations de mon client.
Assim, développeur Lead Tech - Full-Stack dans une ESN
Avec Vision, je simplifie des processus répétitifs et complexes à gérer, tout en automatisant le déploiement de nouvelles applications IT.
Enrico, architecte SI dans une grande entreprise publique
La technologie Vision m’a permis de concrétiser un projet de transformation innovant et le faire accepter à l’échelle du groupe.
Mathilde, responsable de la maintenance dans une grande entreprise privée