VISION AI, Generative AI in your applications, without code

Simply add the latest generation of AI into your business processes and applications, and benefit from the power of AI analysis or search on your documents.


multi applications

A unified platform

Create your AI using your own data (RAG), and create the  application around it, in ONE single integrated platform.


VISION AI is LLM agnostic, and works with OpenAI chatGPT and Mistral AI models.

AI workflows and AI Agents

Automate your processes with AI workflows, and go all the way to AI-driven actions with Agents.

sécurité maximale


Your documents and data remain confidential and are not reused by the LLM.


The magic component

VISION AI allows you to call an LLM model, and to do RAG (Retrieval Augmentation Generation), that is to say to use your data, or your documents to contextualize the AI ​​response. With indexes and document vectorization, you can integrate your own document base.

VISION AI also allows you to trigger actions using the AI ​​response, either on external tools via their API, or even directly on application data, the responses can be transformed into native objects in VISION.

Finally, VISION allows you to create autonomous "AI Agents" in no-code, capable of calling "Tools", tools performing actions on internal data, or even using external APIs.

AI workflows

Add AI to any step of your processes

Extract information from PDF documents or even plans

Multi-document information research and synthesis

Vision Center availability : September 1, 2023
Vision Center availability : September 1, 2023
Available from : September 1, 2023
Available from : September 1, 2023

Would you like to test the power of Vision for 30 days?

Avec Vision, j’ai découvert qu’on pouvait rendre simples et concrètes des idées complexes et dynamiser toute notre informatique.
Marie, cheffe d’entreprise dans une PME innovante
J’ai pu livrer une application stratégique 3 mois en avance, dépassant même nos espérances, ce qui a valu des félicitations de mon client.
Assim, développeur Lead Tech - Full-Stack dans une ESN
Avec Vision, je simplifie des processus répétitifs et complexes à gérer, tout en automatisant le déploiement de nouvelles applications IT.
Enrico, architecte SI dans une grande entreprise publique
La technologie Vision m’a permis de concrétiser un projet de transformation innovant et le faire accepter à l’échelle du groupe.
Mathilde, responsable de la maintenance dans une grande entreprise privée